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- /*
- ** $VER: IFFConverter.c V0.02 (08-07-95)
- **
- ** Author: Gerben Venekamp
- ** Updates: 13-06-95 Version 0.01 Intital module
- ** 08-07-95 Version 0.02 'ErrorHandler' added for
- ** flexable error handling.
- ** 12-11-95 Version 0.03 Tooltypes added
- **
- **
- ** IFFConverter is as its name suggest an IFF Converter. It Converters
- ** IFF ILBM pictures to a RAW format.
- ** Here the 'main' function has its place. 'Main' initializes and starts
- ** IFFConverter. Also, functions for freeing the system resources and
- ** error handling are included.
- **
- */
- #include <dos/dos.h>
- #include <exec/memory.h>
- #include <intuition/intuition.h>
- #include <workbench/startup.h>
- #include <proto/dos.h>
- #include <proto/gadtools.h>
- #include <proto/icon.h>
- #include <proto/intuition.h>
- #include "IFFConverter.h"
- #include "ErrorText.h"
- // Include version number in main module
- static char VersionI[] = VersionText;
- // Define prototypes
- void CleanExit(int);
- void CleanLibExit(int);
- LONG ErrorHandler(enum enum_ErrorNumber, APTR, ...);
- void __asm exit(register __d0 LONG ReturnValue);
- LONG DisplayError(struct Window *, ULONG, STRPTR, STRPTR, STRPTR, APTR);
- void GetArguments(ULONG, char *);
- void GetToolTypes(struct WBStartup *);
- LONG MyDisplayError(APTR, APTR, APTR);
- void PreRelease(void);
- /*
- ** This is where is all begins.....
- **
- ** main will call all neseccary initializations in order to start
- ** IFFConverter. If something goes wrong during any of the initialization
- ** functions, the function will generate an error message and quit
- ** imediately after acknoledgement. Control is given back to the system
- ** and *not* to the main function!
- **
- */
- void __saveds main()
- {
- extern ULONG argc;
- extern char *argv;
- OpenLibraries(); // For savety reasons, make this the first function in main.
- GetArguments(argc, argv);
- PreRelease();
- GetDiskFonts();
- AllocateMemory();
- OpenScreens();
- InitGadgets();
- OpenWindows();
- AllocAsl_Requests();
- HandleIntuiMessages();
- CleanExit(0);
- }
- /*
- ** GetArgument(argc, argv)
- **
- ** pre:
- ** post:
- **
- */
- void GetArguments(ULONG argc, char *argv)
- {
- if( argc == 0 ) // WorkBench 'argc' == 0 ; Shell 'argc' >= 1
- GetToolTypes( (struct WBStartup *) argv );
- // Well, one or more arguments. So, we're called from shell
- if( argc > 1 )
- {
- // Converter is called with arguments
- char ArgumentsError[] = "Sorry, no argements accepted in this version.\n" \
- "Try a later version or register and I will implement argumets\n";
- BPTR Stdout = Output();
- Write( Stdout, &ArgumentsError, sizeof(ArgumentsError) );
- }
- }
- /*
- ** GetToolTypes()
- **
- ** Get the .info file for the ToolTypes.
- ** The first and only argument given through 'argv' is the name of
- ** the program itself. This will help us to get the .info file.
- ** 'GetDiskObject' attaches the .info extention automaticly.
- **
- ** pre: None.
- ** post: None.
- **
- */
- void GetToolTypes(struct WBStartup *startup)
- {
- register UWORD i = 0;
- struct DiskObject *diskobj;
- char **ToolTypes;
- STRPTR temp, Destination;
- if( !(diskobj = GetDiskObject(startup->sm_ArgList->wa_Name)) )
- return;
- ToolTypes = diskobj->do_ToolTypes;
- // Extract GraphicsDrawer
- if( temp = FindToolType(ToolTypes, "GraphicsDrawer") )
- {
- GraphicsDrawerSize = StringLength(temp) + 1;
- AllocThisMem(&GraphicsDrawer, GraphicsDrawerSize, MEMF_CLEAR );
- Destination = GraphicsDrawer;
- while( *Destination++ = *temp ++ );
- }
- // Extract FileMode
- if( temp = FindToolType(ToolTypes, "FileMode") )
- while( CYL_FileMode[i] )
- {
- if( StringCompare(temp, CYL_FileMode[i]) )
- GT_FileMode[3] = i;
- i++;
- }
- // Extract RenderMode
- if( temp = FindToolType(ToolTypes, "RenderMode") )
- {
- i = 0;
- while( CYL_RenderMode[i] )
- {
- if( StringCompare(temp, CYL_RenderMode[i]) )
- GT_RenderMode[3] = i;
- i++;
- }
- }
- // Extract DrawCross
- if( temp = FindToolType(ToolTypes, "DrawCross") )
- if( StringCompare(temp, "TRUE" ) )
- {
- PanelGadgets[GD_DrawCross].MyGadgetTags = &MakeChecked;
- DrawHairCross = TRUE;
- }
- else
- {
- PanelGadgets[GD_DrawCross].MyGadgetTags = &UnmakeChecked;
- DrawHairCross = FALSE;
- }
- else
- DrawHairCross = FALSE;
- // Extract ByteBoundry
- if( temp = FindToolType(ToolTypes, "ByteBoundry") )
- {
- i = 0;
- while( MXL_ByteBoundry[i] )
- {
- if( StringCompare(temp, MXL_ByteBoundry[i]) )
- GT_ByteBoundry[3] = ByteBoundry = i;
- i++;
- }
- }
- // Extract TAB1
- if( temp = FindToolType(ToolTypes, "TAB1") )
- TAB1 = ConvertDecimal(temp);
- // Extract TAB2
- if( temp = FindToolType(ToolTypes, "TAB2") )
- TAB2 = ConvertDecimal(temp);
- // Extract NumberOfItems1
- if( temp = FindToolType(ToolTypes, "NumberOfItems1") )
- NumberOfItems1 = ConvertDecimal(temp);
- // Extract NumberOfItems2
- if( temp = FindToolType(ToolTypes, "NumberOfItems2") )
- NumberOfItems2 = ConvertDecimal(temp);
- // Extract BLPCON3OrMask
- if( temp = FindToolType(ToolTypes, "BPLCON3OrMask") )
- {
- Destination = BPLCON3OrMask;
- for(i=0; i<4; i++)
- *Destination++ = *temp++;
- }
- FreeDiskObject(diskobj);
- }
- /*
- ** num = ErrorHandler(ErrorNumber, ArgList)
- **
- ** Handles all error generated during execution of the program.
- ** Some errors may return to the system by calling 'CleanExit'
- ** So, no guarentees that this function will return always.
- **
- ** pre: ErrorNumber - Number of error to handle.
- ** ArgList - Addition arguments for error message. NULL for
- ** no arguments.
- ** post: num - Whatever EasyRequest returns. See AutoDocs for more
- ** information on EasyRequest.
- **
- */
- LONG ErrorHandler(enum IFF_ErrorNumber ErrorNumber, APTR ArgList, ...)
- {
- register APTR IFFerror_attr;
- register APTR IFFerror_message;
- register enum ErrorExitType ErrorExit;
- register LONG num;
- switch( ErrorNumber )
- {
- case IFFerror_NoIntuition:
- CleanLibExit(RETURN_FAIL); // Terminate IFFConverter
- case IFFerror_NoLibrary:
- IFFerror_attr = IFFerror__NULL_Title_Okay;
- IFFerror_message = EST_OpenLibErr;
- ErrorExit = Lib_Exit;
- break;
- case IFFerror_NoMemory:
- IFFerror_attr = IFFerror__PanelWindow_Title_Okay;
- IFFerror_message = EST_AllocMemErr;
- ErrorExit = Clean_Exit;
- break;
- case IFFerror_NoMemoryDoReturn:
- IFFerror_attr = IFFerror__PanelWindow_Title_Okay;
- IFFerror_message = EST_AllocMemErr;
- ErrorExit = No_Exit;
- break;
- case IFFerror_NoLock:
- IFFerror_attr = IFFerror__PanelWindow_Title_Okay;
- IFFerror_message = EST_LockErr;
- ErrorExit = Clean_Exit;
- break;
- case IFFerror_NoLockDoReturn:
- IFFerror_attr = IFFerror__PanelWindow_Title_RetryCancel;
- IFFerror_message = EST_LockErr;
- ErrorExit = No_Exit;
- break;
- case IFFerror_GadCreate:
- IFFerror_attr = IFFerror__PanelWindow_Title_Okay;
- IFFerror_message = EST_GadCreate;
- ErrorExit = Clean_Exit;
- break;
- case IFFerror_OpenErr:
- IFFerror_attr = IFFerror__NULL_Title_Okay;
- IFFerror_message = EST_OpenErr;
- ErrorExit = Clean_Exit;
- break;
- case IFFerror_NoVisIErr:
- IFFerror_attr = IFFerror__NULL_Title_Okay;
- IFFerror_message = EST_NoVisIErr;
- ErrorExit = Clean_Exit;
- break;
- case IFFerror_AllocErr:
- IFFerror_attr = IFFerror__PanelWindow_Title_Okay;
- IFFerror_message = EST_AllocErr;
- ErrorExit = Clean_Exit;
- break;
- case IFFerror_NotFound:
- IFFerror_attr = IFFerror__PanelWindow_Title_Okay;
- IFFerror_message = EST_NotFound;
- ErrorExit = No_Exit;
- break;
- case IFFerror_Fail:
- IFFerror_attr = IFFerror__PanelWindow_Title_Okay;
- IFFerror_message = EST_Fail;
- ErrorExit = No_Exit;
- break;
- case IFFerror_NoIFFErr:
- IFFerror_attr = IFFerror__PanelWindow_Title_Okay;
- IFFerror_message = EST_NoIFFErr;
- ErrorExit = No_Exit;
- break;
- case IFFerror_AslNoFreeStore:
- IFFerror_attr = IFFerror__PanelWindow_Title_Okay;
- IFFerror_message = EST_AslNoFreeStore;
- ErrorExit = Clean_Exit;
- break;
- case IFFerror_AslNoMoreEntries:
- IFFerror_attr = IFFerror__PanelWindow_Title_Okay;
- IFFerror_message = EST_AslNoMoreEntries;
- ErrorExit = No_Exit;
- break;
- case IFFerror_NotImplemented:
- IFFerror_attr = IFFerror__PanelWindow_Title_Okay;
- IFFerror_message = EST_NotImplemented;
- ErrorExit = No_Exit;
- break;
- case IFFerror_NotOpen:
- IFFerror_attr = IFFerror__PanelWindow_Title_Okay;
- IFFerror_message = EST_OpenErr;
- ErrorExit = No_Exit;
- break;
- case IFFerror_FileExistsAsk:
- IFFerror_attr = IFFerror__PanelWindow_Title_ROverWC;
- IFFerror_message = EST_FileExistsAsk;
- ErrorExit = No_Exit;
- break;
- }
- num = MyDisplayError(IFFerror_attr, IFFerror_message, &ArgList);
- switch( ErrorExit )
- {
- case Lib_Exit:
- CleanLibExit(RETURN_FAIL);
- case Clean_Exit:
- CleanExit(RETURN_FAIL);
- case No_Exit:
- return( num ); // Return the result of DisplayError.
- }
- }
- /*
- ** CleanExit(ReturnValue)
- **
- ** Exits the program. Before you can actualy leave the program you
- ** must give back all alloceted memory and structures, opened
- ** libraries and devices, etc. So, that's done here for you, before
- ** we quit.
- **
- ** pre: ReturnValue - Error number to be passed on to exit(rv).
- ** post: None.
- **
- */
- void CleanExit(int ReturnValue)
- {
- FreeAsl_Requests();
- CloseWindows();
- FreeGadgets(FirstGadget);
- CloseScreens();
- FreeMemory();
- CloseFonts();
- CloseLibraries(); // Close all open Libraries
- exit(ReturnValue);
- }
- /*
- ** CleanLibExit(ReturnValue)
- **
- ** Like 'CleanExit' but no all libraries need to be open, assuming
- ** so is dangerous. 'CleanLibExit' NEVER uses possible open libraries.
- ** This means that 'CleanLibExit' only tries to close all opened
- ** libraries through 'CloseLibraries'. Nothing else should be opened,
- ** allocated or anything else other than opend libraries.
- **
- ** pre: ReturnValue - Error number to be passed on to exit(rv).
- ** post: None.
- **
- */
- void CleanLibExit(int ReturnValue)
- {
- CloseLibraries(); // Save to call, because exec.library is always open!
- exit(ReturnValue);
- }
- /*
- ** PreRelease()
- **
- ** Shows a message to notify the user that he/she is using the
- ** pre-release version of IFFConverter. In it is stated that this
- ** version is *NOT* guaranteed to be in perfect working order. Nor
- ** all functions have to be implemented. Use of it is on the user
- ** own risk! This sub-routine returns when the user acknowleges
- ** the message.
- **
- ** pre: None.
- ** post: None.
- **
- */
- void PreRelease()
- {
- struct EasyStruct PreReleaseES = {
- sizeof (struct EasyStruct),
- 0,
- "Pre-release note:",
- {
- "\n"
- "IFFConverter V" VersionQ "\n\n"
- "Using this version is done on your own risk. This version\n"
- "is under construction. Which means that I can give no\n"
- "guarentees about its behaviour. In other words, some\n"
- "functions may have been implemented but they may behave\n"
- "not the way you'd expect, or even cause a software-failure\n"
- "So, I suggest you'd better get V1.0+ of IFFConverter and\n"
- "*not* use this pre-release version.\n"
- },
- "I'm supposed to be intelligent",
- };
- ULONG iflags = 0;
- EasyRequest(NULL, &PreReleaseES, &iflags); // Show EasyRequester
- }
- /*
- ** num = DisplayError(ErrorWindow, IDCMPFlags, ErrorTitle, ErrorText,
- ** ErrorGadgets, ArgList)
- **
- ** Displays an Error (or Message) through an EasyRequest. Take
- ** adventage of this function, DisplayError does the initialistions
- ** for you, so you don't have to be bored.
- **
- ** pre: ErrorWindow - Pointer to the window on which EasyRequest will
- ** be shown.
- ** IDCMPFlags - Your IDCMPFlags for EasyRequest.
- ** ErrorTitle - What's the name of your EasyRequest Window.
- ** ErrorText - What's the text to displayed by EasyRequest.
- ** ErrorGadgets - What are your Gadgets EasyRequest will use.
- ** ArgList - Pointer to a list of arguments to be passed on
- ** to EasyRequestArgs.
- ** post: num - Whatever EasyRequest returns. See AutoDocs for more
- ** information on EasyRequest.
- **
- */
- LONG DisplayError(struct Window *ErrorWindow, ULONG IDCMPFlags, STRPTR ErrorTitle, STRPTR ErrorText, STRPTR ErrorGadgets, APTR ArgList)
- {
- struct EasyStruct ES_ErrorMessage;
- ULONG IFlags = IDCMPFlags;
- ES_ErrorMessage.es_StructSize = sizeof (struct EasyStruct);
- ES_ErrorMessage.es_Flags = 0;
- ES_ErrorMessage.es_Title = ErrorTitle;
- ES_ErrorMessage.es_TextFormat = ErrorText;
- ES_ErrorMessage.es_GadgetFormat = ErrorGadgets;
- return( EasyRequestArgs(ErrorWindow, &ES_ErrorMessage, &IFlags, ArgList) );
- }
- /*
- ** num = MyDisplayError( IFFerror_attr[], IFFerror_message, ArgList )
- **
- ** Pre-process data for DisplayError. All necessary data is to be
- ** found in the array IFFError_attr and IFFerror_message.
- **
- ** pre: IFFerror_attr - Address of array containing information on
- ** the error message. See DisplayError and ErrorText.h
- ** for more information.
- ** IFFerror_message - Address of message to be displayed.
- ** post: num - Whatever DisplayError returns.
- **
- */
- LONG MyDisplayError(APTR IFFerror_attr[], APTR IFFerror_message, APTR ArgList)
- {
- if( IFFerror_attr[0] == NULL )
- return( DisplayError(NULL, NULL, IFFerror_attr[1], IFFerror_message, IFFerror_attr[2], ArgList) );
- else
- {
- APTR *Temp = IFFerror_attr[0];
- return( DisplayError( *Temp, NULL, IFFerror_attr[1], IFFerror_message, IFFerror_attr[2], ArgList) );
- }
- }